Recently, there have been a lot of interesting changes in the notification module that you might not have noticed. Therefore, we have prepared a small excursion on the updates of this module.
First of all, we saved users from the infinite deletion and creation of the same notifications. Instead of deleting the notification, the user can simply temporarily disable it and when the notification will be required - just enable it again.
Yes, it has become easier, but still this option doesn't greatly simplify life for those users whose notifications should work, for example, on schedule. Of course, we were not indifferent to such users. So, when creating a notification, Time tab appeared, in which user can adjust the time limits of the notification if necessary.
Also, new useful types of notifications were implemented in the system:
1. Document Expiration
Notification can be created for vehicle documents as well as driver documents.
The following types of documents are available for vehicle:
The document number and its validity period can be set by user in the additional menu of the unit by clicking on “Edit”.
The following types of documents are available for drivers:
The document number and its validity period can be set by user in driver settings.
The system will notify the user 10 days before the expiration of the document.
2. Fuel Control
Notification is available for events such as:
3. Control of Entrance / Exit from Geofences
This type of notification allows you to handle both the entrance to geofence and the exit from geofence, thereby eliminating the need to create 2 separate notifications to geofence control.
For operative creation of notification on geofence control, we implemented this feature in GeliosMobile app.*
*The notification on geofence control is created only for one geofence in the mobile app. Also, editing of notification is available only in the mobile app. The more info you can find in GeliosMobile instruction.